Sons of God

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Sons of God
by PJ Salas

"For all who are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God." Romans8:14.

There is much speculation regarding who the sons of God are in the book of Genesis, most of which is heresy. Genesis chapter six, verses one through seven, explicate the very sad history of how quickly humankind fell into deep depravity after sin entered our world; so much so, that God lamented creating human beings. (Genesis6:1-7).


Various propagated theories exist regarding the sons of God who took as wives daughters of men, producing ungodly offspring. Many believe the sons of God are supernatural beings, particularly fallen angels.

The sons of God are not fallen angels, for God cast them out of His presence. (Revelation12:7-9). Nor are they angels who abide in God's favor, for they do not participate in such behavior. Human invention circulates unreasonable and incongruous philosophies.

Understanding the message of Genesis chapter six compels an examination of the original language and its intent, as well as consideration of the passage.


… when men began to multiply on the earth, and daughters were born to them … sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and took them as wives.

Then the Lord said, My spirit will not plead with man forever, for he is flesh, and his days will be an hundred and twenty years.

In those days giants were on the earth, for after the sons of God took wives from the daughters of men, they produced children who became mighty men of renown.

God saw the great wickedness of men, that every intent and thought of their heart was only evil, continually. And the Lord was severely grieved that He made humankind. So the Lord determined to blot people out from the earth, for He regretted creating them. Genesis 6:1-7.

Sons of God

In Genesis six the word "sons" is from a Hebrew word (בֵּן) which means "male builders". Sons of God are builders of God and His kingdom, they are people led by His Holy Spirit. (Romans8:14).

The sons of God distinguished in Genesis were the offspring of godly men who acknowledged the Creator. These men were descendants of the righteous lineage of Seth, God's obedient children who lived upright lives by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Acts1:8;Romans8:14).

Daughters of Men

The word "daughters" in Genesis chapter six is translated from a Hebrew derivative (בַּת) of a primitive root word (בָּנָה) meaning "to build". In this same passage the word "men" is from a Hebrew term (אָדָם) interpreted "human beings".

The daughters of men are the posterity of those who did not acknowledge the Creator; they lived contrary to God. They are the descendants of the unrighteous lineage of Cain. Daughters of men are builders of men and their kingdoms, people living in disobedience to God, not led by His Holy Spirit.


In chapter six of Genesis the word "giants" is an interpretation of a Hebrew term (נְפִל נְפִיל) meaning "feller (one who cuts down), bully, tyrant". Of special interest is that "giants", translated from Hebrew and defined as "feller (one who cuts down), bully, tyrant," is a derivative of a primitive root word (נָפַל) which means "to fall".

While the offspring referred to as giants in Genesis six may, or may not have been gigantic in stature, one thing is certain, they were colossally fallen men who loved darkness rather than light, with an enormous bent to evil.

Ungodly Offspring

Godly men pairing with ungodly women did not produce godly children, rather people who fell further and further away from God. The progeny of these couplings were tyrants who shoved and forced, cutting down whoever got in their way.

These mixed marriages created unrighteous children who became monstrously immoral, tyrant warriors against God and His ways. Fixed in their sinfulness, using vigorous aggression to achieve their purposes, they were glorified bullies. They pushed their way through life, using their strength to take authority over others, proliferating a vile and depraved lifestyle.

Inappropriate Associations

Upright men yielded to unrighteous desires and went after women born of wicked men. The sons of God turned to their fleshly nature in pursuit of unrighteous women because of their attraction to their beauty.

The Bible, both Old and New Testament, warn against association and fellowship with the unrighteous, warning of being led away into rebellion and disobedience to God. (Ps1:1-6;1Co15:33;2Co6:14;Eph5:6-11).

"Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness! And what communion has light with darkness!" 2Corinthians6:14.


The sons of God partnered with daughters of men, and what followed was a deluge of decadence that led to an earthly flood wiping out all who refused to repent.

After Seth's descendants took wives of Cain's descendants, the earth became exceedingly ugly and violent very quickly. Tyrant bullies, called giants in the Genesis account, sought to elevate themselves by any means. Instead of recognizing their need for God, and allowing Him to govern their lives, they turned to self and human schemes. This resulted in a society so wicked and evil that God destroyed all the unrelenting impudent.

This is how it will be in the end. Jesus said, as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be when He returns for His beloved bride, His true followers (Is54:5;2Cor11:2;Rev19:7-9;Matt24:37-39;Lk17:26).


"Sons of God" is an expression indicative of those who are led by the Spirit of God. "Daughters of men" is an articulation characteristic of people who are led by self and selfishness, which always leads to sin; they are guided by a spirit of disobedience.

In the End

Promptly after sin's entrance into our world wickedness multiplied and spread rapidly to the disgust and repulsion of God, who determined to erase the evil from the earth.

In the end, as God wiped the unrepentant from the earth in Noah's day, so the impenitent of these last days of rampant wickedness will be eradicated, this time by fire. (Malachi4:1;2Peter3:10). It will be final, ushering in new heavens and a new earth. (Isaiah65:17;2Peter3:13;Revelation21:1).

As God saved those of Noah's day who would repent and seek Him, so it will be when Jesus comes again. The Lord will save those who trust in Him and reciprocate His love.

To all who take hold of Jesus, and trust in Him, to these He gives the right and privilege to become children of God. (John1:12). "For all who are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God." Romans8:14.