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Our Mission

Mission. The purpose of gotolight.org is to tell the world about Jesus and His second coming. Our mission is to tell of His love and salvation, of the eternal home He is preparing for all who love Him and accept His plan of salvation.

Jesus is coming; and when He does come, for many, it will be unexpected and sudden. Those who are unprepared will be caught off guard, they will lose the opportunity and blessedness of the eternal home Christ has for His beloved followers.

In the Bible, the Lord tells us of the signs that indicate His second coming. Many of those signs are fulfilling, alerting us to get ready, be ready, and stay ready, for Jesus is coming. We need to be prepared. And whether we experience His return in our generation or not, we need to be prepared.

We Need Jesus

Here at gotolight.org we are not alarmist; but we are realists. Accepting Christ’s salvation is essential and vital for eternal life. Moreover, not having a personal relationship with Jesus is to live a hollow and inapposite life. Furthermore, we have a sin problem that will not go away on its own. We need Jesus.

Turn to Jesus

Having a personal relationship with Christ is not only a great privilege and honor, but it is also deeply satisfying and rewarding.

To accept Jesus and His plan of salvation is the most elevating and enriching experience anyone can know. There is nothing better, there is no greater joy or love, than a personal relationship with Christ. Moreover, Jesus is the only One who can take away our sin. He is the One who can truly change us and make our life right.

For these reasons, and for so many more, we sincerely and whole heartily encourage you to turn your heart and your life to Jesus.

Follow Jesus

We encourage you to embrace God's mercy and grace, His kind and tender love. May you be His beloved child who follows Christ closely all the days of your life. Jesus loves you very much! He wants to help and save you, to be with you forever. We need Jesus; without Him we are lost.

Contact gotolight.org for help in accepting God’s plan of salvation for your life, for help in developing a personal relationship with Christ the Savior. We are happy to help.

Our Prayer for You

May God bless you to know Him, to be with Him in His kingdom, now and forever. May He bless you to have physical health and spiritual well-being; and may you be blessed with all your needs, and those wants that will do you no harm. God loves you!